Unique product to treat pinewood. This mixture of vegetable extracts, enriched with tannins, ensures that a reaction with e.g. Linochrom, Branton C3, Fumicolor ... can take place.
Special smoke stain with built-in inert white grain contrast. This is bleached out after drying.
Branton C is the lye variant of BWC. In addition to the colouring, the wood is also lightly bleached. This is often used to achieve "soaped" effects.
Special lye stain for "driftwood" effects. This is bleached after drying.
The combination of nano-mineral structures with pigments and dyes gives BWC stains their unique character. The optimal penetration results in the typical BWC stain images.
The combination of this "smoke stain" with specially developed dyes makes an almost infinite palette of antique effect shades possible. The two-component version (Branton C2) is used to approximate special effects such as tropical woods.
In 2011, Linochrom changed the entire concept of reaction stains. The built-in retarder and buffer ensure a seamless / streak-free result. The application with the polishing machine and white pad is extremely efficient and fast.
Both BWC and BDNT exist in metallic versions that can be used as a stain or patina.